Saturday, April 14, 2007
Well, I spent most of the afternoon at something called "CPD", also known as Church Planter Development. I have been to a couple of them before. One was with our old church that was also a church plant and the other was when we came here for our initial visit to Austin. There is a lot of information to take in and a lot of processing to go through once you leave and for me I would say a lot of wrestling as well. But this is why we are here, this is the stuff we love and to be a part of it is amazing. I know there will be many more blogs I write just about this journey we are on as we help plant a church. Our leader is awesome! We trust him, we love his vision and we appreciate his heart. Today was fun! Even though it was filled with a lot of information, it was enjoyable. These people are our family. It's a family we have chosen and that makes it even more incredible. We all live down the road from one another and I have already learned that we are all here to help one another since none of us have family here. I can't even begin to tell you how cool it is to be a part of something brand new, to be present for the actual birth! The bond we will share during this process will be unbelievable.

Everyone asks, "Where do y'all meet?" Well, we don't have a Sunday service yet. Jeremy and I are so glad that our Church Planter/Leader/Pastor is not spending all of his time trying to get a building, trying to find a school to have service, trying to buy a sound system (which this is usually the first thing a new church does). Instead, we are reaching out to the community first. So since we don't have Sunday service, everyone usually goes to service twice a month. One Sunday is spent at Mitch's church (Kyle's coach and our CPD trainer) and another Sunday is spent at a local sponsor church which happens to be in our neighborhood. The other Sundays are spent with one another. Tomorrow was not a scheduled church day but now it is.

During CPD today, Mitch asked if I would be available to sing at his church tomorrow. For some reason all of the female singers are not able to be there tomorrow. I was kind of shocked when he asked. First of all, he has never heard me sing! Second of all, I have not sang in a corporate worship setting in almost two years! As soon as he asked me, my heart started pounding and I did not know what to say but I saw my friend Erika's head turn quickly towards me to see what I was going to say. When I looked at her she had a HUGE smile on her face and at that moment I felt like saying yes! And I did. I said yes.

So Resonate Community will all be going to church tomorrow! I am so glad they will be there. They are my family and I need them.

God is pretty cool, He really is. And that's all I've got to say tonight folks. I am singing six songs, all but two I do not know. But thank goodness I can hide behind harmonizing and an add lib here and there! Also, there is a TELEPROMPTER!!! :)

Tonight I am going to bed with a big smile on my face. It's great to have friends and it's great to be in the CENTER of God's will and KNOW IT! Does that make sense? Well, most of you know what I mean!

It's been a long process to get to this place. I am so excited to finally be through a lot of the crap we have gone through to get here!

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  posted at 11:00 PM

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path. I spent some time thinking tonight about what we talked about. I feel total peace that passes your understanding. I feel confident in saying that you are still a baby and how can you digest a steak when all you can eat is cereal. How can you understand ALL that God has for you when you are only a vessel. He has to pour into you. All you have to be is the vessel. You are looking at your new life with excitement but with human eyes. God will let you look through His eyes when you are ready. You couldn't handle it now if you tried. You have to go through the steps of growing first until you can handle the big stuff.
You wouldn't take Zeke to a lecture on global warming....he just wants a warm bottle. IT's all in stages, appropriate, timely and just enough for you right now. Don't sweat the little stuff.....the big stuff is waiting for you and no one else can get it but you. You will plant seeds tomorrow, mezmorize minds and bring people closer to Christ. You will be changed tomorrow, your family changed and your church changed. You being obedient and a vessel for Him.....doing the songs for Him and why, it is all about HIM. Worship your guts out Mandi. He will show you some great things tomorrow. I can assure you. He dwells in the midst of Praise....Mandi's praise. I love you.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Christy said...

Girl I am reading.. some days its two more three of your blogs, others I am caught up. :0) I am loving this journey with you. You have my love, encouragement and prayers. I am so excited for you tomorrow. I can't wait to hear how God uses you. I also can't wait to slow down for a few minutes along the way to be able to actually talk to you. As you can see its 11:50 and this has been the first time I have sat down tonight since rising up early this morning to feed Piercen. We have been traveling with Jeremy and its been awesome but have to get into an adjustment and routine. I can't wait to exchange stories of what God is doing... you guys are planting a church BUT like we are, your spreading the gospel basically evangelizing the lost.... the only difference, your Jeremy isn't preaching YET.... who knows what could be in store so I say YET!!! Hey, your not preaching yet either haha!!! :0) Your going to be singing 'Look what the Lord has done'. I also wanted to share a praise... this week in revival Jeremy prayed with a lady who has had arthritus for 5 years. So sick and even in bed at times.. couldn't raise her hands above her head, hold her grandbabies, nothing physically actually.. she was tired of it, said she wanted it gone.. he was preaching on Psalm 22 and a part of the message was talking about the delivering part of God... some people laid cigarette's on the altar, some tabacco, some depression, some fear, this lady laid down her physical problem ... she was healed right then and there ... she felt the tingling in her body as that very moment as God touched her... girl it was awesome... God is so good isn't he !!!! I am so proud that we aren't alone out there trying to reach souls.. I love you my friend. I read your comment on my blog.. I will post pictures soon. Remember I am a 1st time mommy.. I am trying to get the hang of it all hee hee.. I am sure you could do circles around me here!! :0)

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an AWESOME opportunity! I can't wait to hear how God uses you tomorrow!

Love you!
Kelly Ann


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Location: Austin, Texas

Mommy, Mama, Mandi, Amanda, Babe and whatever else you want to call me! How do I have time to blog with three kids under the age of four? I'm up until midnight and usually later!

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