Thursday, February 15, 2007
I'm okay
Just wanted to let you know that I am great. Really, I am. I do have a cold and little Ezekiel will not sleep longer than three hours at night, so I am very tired. He is not content with 4oz so we are giving him more now. Two weeks ago he weighed 7.12 and now he weighs 9.10 so he is obviously a hungry boy!

There was a reason I turned off the comments on my last post. Most of you know why I would do something like that. The same reason people do not disclose the name they have chosen for their unborn baby. They don't want everyone's opinion! :) But some of you could not resist! Instead I got a ton of emails with many different diagnoses. Please know that I am not mad. It's hard for you to hear my tone while I type but I think it is actually kind of funny. Women will be women and we always want to give our two cents. Don't we? I appreciate your prayers so much. They have helped so much with my mind and the battle I sometimes face. My chest feels almost totally back to normal. I don't think it is reflux but I do think I may have had a virus in my chest wall. It was not a panic attack. I have had those before and they do not last for four solid weeks. I am sure stress made the pain worse because I was worrying so much. I never thought I was having heart problems. That was not my concern. I was worried about a blood clot because that is common in pregnant women and women who have just given birth. Some of my worry was totally warranted, most of it was not. I have a doctors appointment on Monday and I am still praying that everything is normal. Thank you for your continued prayers. It's still newborn adjustment time in this home so prayers for our family would be great!

Right now it is nap time for all the kids. I think I will do the same! Thank you for your emails of concern and thank you for encouraging me. It helped a whole bunch!

  posted at 1:17 PM


Location: Austin, Texas

Mommy, Mama, Mandi, Amanda, Babe and whatever else you want to call me! How do I have time to blog with three kids under the age of four? I'm up until midnight and usually later!

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