Thursday, June 07, 2007
Choose your blend
Now don't anybody get mad! Some friends and I have been having lots of conversations lately about the "church". We like to talk it out and I thought these pictures were kind of funny considering all that we've been chatting about. If you don't get it, don't freak out. I'm not dogging my church or your church. Okay? :)


  posted at 11:12 PM

At 3:43 AM, Blogger uuu said...

OMG - I totally get it and am cracking up! Just FYI my church is example #4, but we do have an on campus ministry (in a bar, no less that would fit right into the last one). LOL!

I think that in some way - God intended for each of us to be different. Otherwise, what kind of boring world would it be and how would we reach "others?" Therefore, we have different preferences for worship! One of my MOST favorite services in the last year, was when we traded out with one of our churches. Our minister, praise team, choirs and such all went and led their two services.. but in return they came and led us. Completely different than what we were use to (even though we are the most "loud and active" service)because they are black and FULL OF SOUL and SPIRIT! OH MY GOODNESS --- I cried through the SERMON - not just music as usual!

My point - we need to respect and I think even experience different types of worship. Because if it is genuine - it isn't judgmental, it is wholly focused on the true and unfailing love of God and the encouragement to love one another.

As many have asked, did He hang out with the "righteous" or high and mighty??? Oh no - he searched out the forgotten or neglected --- so what if we minister from barstools????

Sorry to hijack your comments...

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Paula said...

I like the ..
Jesus is Cool!
But some of His followers give me the creeps.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

I really actually enjoyed those! No offense taken at all! =) Thanks for sharing!!

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Amy... said...

Nice...very appropriate!

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Robin said...

I just sent this to Terry. It's hysterical!


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