Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My camera bit the dust!
I was all ready to show you a picture of my nose ring. Today I have on makeup, the hair is fixed, etc. so I figured today would be a good picture taking day. But, I am just about to cry as I type this, our camera is DEAD!

Jeremy surprised me and bought this camera when I was 28 weeks pregnant with Josiah. Josiah is now almost four and a half years old! We paid $400 for this 3.0 mega pixel Olympus Camera and it has taken so many pictures of my babies! Good pictures too! I've been looking on Craigslist and Ebay trying to figure out how we can get a new camera. They are still pretty expensive. Not near as bad as they used to be but, still pricey! I can't LIVE without a camera! It's a must! I have a three kids for crying out loud and one of them is only four and a half months old! He has two teeth coming in right now that I have yet to snap a picture of! UGH! I am so mad!

So if you hear of any amazing deal on cameras, let me know! I am totally bummed! :( I will just have to take my frustration out on my turkey burgers I am about to mush together for the grill!


  posted at 5:24 PM

At 7:28 PM, Blogger The Nutt Shack said...

Amanda-We went to Conn's when we had Toria to buy our camera. It was $3-400 but they let you pay a portion down and make payments, at the time it was the best choice.So that would be cheaper that way and you could get a good one, and if you can pay it off sooner, that's great, but if not, they will give you small monthly payments. I'm sorry I wanted to see the nose ring too!! I know what it's like not having a camera, if I hear of any deals I'll let you know! Mel

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Gwen said...

Hey I have a's totally off the wall but with you talking about how well you cook and all I thought I would ask!!! LOL!!!! You see...I'm a terrible cook! It's a running joke in my house (not mean just silly) my hubby and I both know I know nothing about cooking. He jokes if it doesn't come out of a box we don't eat it! LOL!!!!!

SO.....if there any chance whatsoever you could post every once in a while(maybe weekly or something) a recipe or two? I would love love love to surprise my hubby with some yummy down home southern cooking!!!!!!!!!! HOMEMADE NO BOX!!!!!!!!!!!

If not...I understand! Thanks!

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

walmart has a great assortment for under 100 bucks. Or we could all take up a collection and get you a blogger camera????? love ya.

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Ruth said...

Let me know if anyone lets you in on any good deals. You know I'm looking too!!


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