Friday, May 25, 2007
I almost forgot!
Beth Moore has a blog that I check every single day. I noticed an incredible prayer that she had posted and I was planning on sharing it with all of you but, I forgot. Today I visited another blog that talked about the prayer and I remembered that I still needed to share with all of my friends! So here it is! And I just read on Beth's blog that she will be writing a study on Esther! I cannot wait for that one. Wow.

Dearly loved one
You’ve been called by God
To shine like a star
In a dark, depraved world
Don’t blend in
Refuse the daily temptation
To be absorbed in yourself
Take interest in others
Deliberately humble yourself
And live the life of a servant
As you live in the crisis
Of “continue to”
Keep working out
What God is working in
Watch your mouth
Choose words of life
And one glorious day
You will see the face of Christ
And He will show you
Every good purpose
He fulfilled through you
And there will be delight
Even if you are despised or ignored
You are Christ’s star
Go forth and shine

This is something I have printed out and taped by my computer. I love this line. "Even if you are despised or ignored, you are Christ's star. Go forth and shine!" I cannot even begin to express how much that last line spoke to me. I hope you enjoy it, print and read it daily!

James 4 & 5 has been posted.


  posted at 6:33 PM

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Liz Ferguson said...

That is a beautiful prayer! I love Beth Moore...she is such an inspiration.

Fyi- you probably already know this, but if you don't, her daughter Amanda has a blog. I read it daily and have been blessed.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger mommyofangels said...

That is a great prayer. I want to print it out and post in my each of my girls rooms.

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I love and miss you.


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