Friday, January 12, 2007
Texans are often made fun of for our horrible driving during winter weather. Well, that's because we don't usually have WINTER WEATHER! The weathermen are basically on tv right now constantly. It's all about the weather right now and we are bracing ourselves for an ICE STORM which is not supposed to end until Sunday. It's already hit Oklahoma but they are expecting it to be worse in the metroplex because of all of our bridges and overpasses. The kids are at gparents, we have a date tonight but I think instead we will be going to stock up on milk and bread!

See, this is why Texas is the best state on earth! No really, it is. You know Texans are known for being a whole bunch of braggers so you can't be surprised by me saying that! :) Expect the unexpected! The weather changes here ALL THE TIME. It makes it fun! And wouldn't you know I don't get to go sliding down any hills because I'm nine months pregnant! Thank goodness the hospital is close! It would be my luck to go into labor and if the power goes out (like they are predicting), I pray I am in labor at the warm and cozy BAYLOR HOSPITAL! Sorry Mom, you will be driving to Galveston to go on your week long cruise.

It's crazy over here! CRAZY!!! But this is why I love being a Dallas girl!

  posted at 6:34 PM

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have pics posted of here in Oklahoma. Seriously I went to Wal-Mart for windshield de-icer last night for hubby, and I glanced at the food. They were OUT of milk, bread and eggs, almost their entire grocery section. I am So not kidding

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Gwen said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! It was great to hear from you. I have been keeping up with your blog waiting for the news of your baby's arrival! I haven't written on my blog for a while. At first it was because hubby was home for the holidays and now I'm just in a funk and don't know what to say!

Unfortunately (or fortunately) we are too south to really get the ice storms! OH WELL! No excitement around here! With DH being a lineman though there is always the chance he could be sent to help out with the electricity somewhere. Doubtful though this time because he went on a trip not long ago! Oh well...not even gonna get extra cash out of this deal! LOL!!! Sorry I didn't mean to write a book on your blog!

Take care and I'm anxious to hear baby news!

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, how weird is it that in December when you all had that winter storm real bad - so did we. And now, I am spending my evening "storm-prepping" because we have the same storm about to hit us pretty badly.

I will be cooking any meat we have in the freezer and making sure all the flashlights and lanterns have batteries. I also will need to make a trip to the grocery store when my beloved gets home from work (bless his heart). As well as rushing a couple loads of laundry through before morning!!

Busy, busy night ahead for me!!

I will be praying for your safety this weekend come what may!

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Paula said...

Man, I we would get some weather. The Beautiful mountains here usually block it from coming.
:( Maybe I need to live in Texas for awhile.:)


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